Forgot password or nameChlorella is a relatively rich source of some vitamins and minerals.It was mainly liked by vegetarians because it contains, among other things, highly digestible proteins.It is a freshwater algae that grows mainly in Asia and Australia.Before use, it is carefully dried and modified in such a way that all biologically valuable substances are preserved.It is available either in the form of tablets or as a crushed powder that is mixed in water.Preparations with chlorella do not contain any preservatives or other additives.Both children and pregnant women can use it."The place of cultivation is important for chlorella, because it only has a high content of chlorophyll and other vital substances when there is enough sun.It is also very important whether the manufacturer or importer tests chlorella for the content of heavy metals," says Ivana Minaříková from, adding that another important thing is disintegration (disruption of the cell wall by high pressure)."During disintegration, the absorbability of beneficial substances is up to 80%.If it is not disintegrated, usability decreases greatly," adds Ivana Minaříková.Tablets are absorbed more completely than crushed powder due to slower digestion.Prices vary mainly according to the size of the package.You will pay from 60 crowns for approximately 100 tablets.Chlorella can be taken in unlimited quantities.It is absorbed faster than tablets.In terms of price, chlorella comes in the form of crushed powder, similar to tablets.You will pay around 1400 crowns for half a kilo.Crushed powder can be drunk in a cold drink or added to salad dressings.Young barley is a comprehensive source of vitamins, minerals and trace elements in a balanced ratio.The age of the harvested plant is key.It should be harvested at a height of around 20 to 25 centimeters.As the shoots grow in length, barley loses its nutrients and characteristic deep green color and gradually dries up."It is better to choose a juiced product.The one that is only dried and ground will not have the same content of substances as the extracted juice, for which a large amount of raw material was consumed," recommends Ivana Minaříková, adding that it is of course better if the barley is grown on organic soil under sufficient sunlight.You can take it either in the form of a dried powder or in tablets.Tablets are absorbed more completely than crushed powder due to slower digestion.Prices vary mainly according to the size of the package.You will pay around 350 crowns for 150 tablets.Crushed powder is easier to digest than tablets.It is added to cold drinks, it can also be added to salads and other cold dishes.It is a freshwater cyanobacteria that is widely cultivated mainly in Japan.It mainly contains B vitamins, vitamin C, vitamin D, vitamin A and vitamin E and carotenes.It is rich in protein, therefore suitable for athletes and vegetarians.Young wheat contains a number of vitamins, minerals, trace elements, enzymes and amino acids.She started her professional career in the media in the weekly Reflex.She worked in the creative team of TV NOVA and headed the Sport and Relaxation section of the server of the Internet Info publishing house.She also participated in his other project, the server.We give the Internet content.